Home > examples > dominant_invariant_subspace.m



Returns an orthonormal basis of the dominant invariant p-subspace of A.


function [X, info] = dominant_invariant_subspace(A, p)


 Returns an orthonormal basis of the dominant invariant p-subspace of A.

 function X = dominant_invariant_subspace(A, p)

 Input: A real, symmetric matrix A of size nxn and an integer p < n.
 Output: A real, orthonormal matrix X of size nxp such that trace(X'*A*X)
         is maximized. That is, the columns of X form an orthonormal basis
         of a dominant subspace of dimension p of A. These are thus
         eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues of A (in no
         particular order). Sign is important: 2 is deemed a larger
         eigenvalue than -5.

 The optimization is performed on the Grassmann manifold, since only the
 space spanned by the columns of X matters. The implementation is short to
 show how Manopt can be used to quickly obtain a prototype. To make the
 implementation more efficient, one might first try to use the caching
 system, that is, use the optional 'store' arguments in the cost, grad and
 hess functions. Furthermore, using egrad2rgrad and ehess2rhess is quick
 and easy, but not always efficient. Having a look at the formulas
 implemented in these functions can help rewrite the code without them,
 possibly more efficiently.

 See also: dominant_invariant_subspace_complex


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function [X, info] = dominant_invariant_subspace(A, p)
0002 % Returns an orthonormal basis of the dominant invariant p-subspace of A.
0003 %
0004 % function X = dominant_invariant_subspace(A, p)
0005 %
0006 % Input: A real, symmetric matrix A of size nxn and an integer p < n.
0007 % Output: A real, orthonormal matrix X of size nxp such that trace(X'*A*X)
0008 %         is maximized. That is, the columns of X form an orthonormal basis
0009 %         of a dominant subspace of dimension p of A. These are thus
0010 %         eigenvectors associated with the largest eigenvalues of A (in no
0011 %         particular order). Sign is important: 2 is deemed a larger
0012 %         eigenvalue than -5.
0013 %
0014 % The optimization is performed on the Grassmann manifold, since only the
0015 % space spanned by the columns of X matters. The implementation is short to
0016 % show how Manopt can be used to quickly obtain a prototype. To make the
0017 % implementation more efficient, one might first try to use the caching
0018 % system, that is, use the optional 'store' arguments in the cost, grad and
0019 % hess functions. Furthermore, using egrad2rgrad and ehess2rhess is quick
0020 % and easy, but not always efficient. Having a look at the formulas
0021 % implemented in these functions can help rewrite the code without them,
0022 % possibly more efficiently.
0023 %
0024 % See also: dominant_invariant_subspace_complex
0026 % This file is part of Manopt and is copyrighted. See the license file.
0027 %
0028 % Main author: Nicolas Boumal, July 5, 2013
0029 % Contributors:
0030 %
0031 % Change log:
0032 %
0033 %   NB Dec. 6, 2013:
0034 %       We specify a max and initial trust region radius in the options.
0035 %   NB Jan. 20, 2018:
0036 %       Added a few comments regarding implementation of the cost.
0037 %   XJ Aug. 31, 2021
0038 %       Added AD to compute the grad and the hess
0040     % Generate some random data to test the function
0041     if ~exist('A', 'var') || isempty(A)
0042         A = randn(128);
0043         A = (A+A')/2;
0044     end
0045     if ~exist('p', 'var') || isempty(p)
0046         p = 3;
0047     end
0049     % Make sure the input matrix is square and symmetric
0050     n = size(A, 1);
0051     assert(isreal(A), 'A must be real.')
0052     assert(size(A, 2) == n, 'A must be square.');
0053     assert(norm(A-A', 'fro') < n*eps, 'A must be symmetric.');
0054     assert(p<=n, 'p must be smaller than n.');
0056     % Define the cost and its derivatives on the Grassmann manifold
0057     Gr = grassmannfactory(n, p);
0058     problem.M = Gr;
0059     problem.cost = @(X)    -.5*trace(X'*A*X);
0060     problem.grad = @(X)    -Gr.egrad2rgrad(X, A*X);
0061     problem.hess = @(X, H) -Gr.ehess2rhess(X, A*X, A*H, H);
0063     % Notice that it would be more efficient to compute trace(X'*A*X) via
0064     % the formula sum(sum(X .* (A*X))) -- the code above is written so as
0065     % to be as close as possible to the familiar mathematical formulas, for
0066     % ease of interpretation. Also, the product A*X is needed for both the
0067     % cost and the gradient, as well as for the Hessian: one can use the
0068     % caching capabilities of Manopt (the store structures) to save on
0069     % redundant computations.
0071     % An alternative way to compute the gradient and the hessian is to use
0072     % automatic differentiation provided in the deep learning toolbox (slower).
0073     % Notice that the function trace is not supported for AD so far.
0074     % Replace it with ctrace described in manoptADhelp
0075     % problem.cost = @(X)    -.5*ctrace(X'*A*X);
0076     % It's also feasible to specify the cost in a more efficient way
0077     % problem.cost = @(X)    -.5*sum(sum(X .* (A*X)));
0078     % Call manoptAD to prepare AD for the problem structure
0079     % problem = manoptAD(problem);
0081     % Execute some checks on the derivatives for early debugging.
0082     % These can be commented out.
0083     % checkgradient(problem);
0084     % pause;
0085     % checkhessian(problem);
0086     % pause;
0088     % Issue a call to a solver. A random initial guess will be chosen and
0089     % default options are selected except for the ones we specify here.
0090     options.Delta_bar = 8*sqrt(p);
0091     [X, costX, info, options] = trustregions(problem, [], options); %#ok<ASGLU>
0093     fprintf('Options used:\n');
0094     disp(options);
0096     % For our information, Manopt can also compute the spectrum of the
0097     % Riemannian Hessian on the tangent space at (any) X. Computing the
0098     % spectrum at the solution gives us some idea of the conditioning of
0099     % the problem. If we were to implement a preconditioner for the
0100     % Hessian, this would also inform us on its performance.
0101     %
0102     % Notice that (typically) all eigenvalues of the Hessian at the
0103     % solution are positive, i.e., we find an isolated minimizer. If we
0104     % replace the Grassmann manifold by the Stiefel manifold, hence still
0105     % optimizing over orthonormal matrices but ignoring the invariance
0106     % cost(XQ) = cost(X) for all Q orthogonal, then we see
0107     % dim O(p) = p(p-1)/2 zero eigenvalues in the Hessian spectrum, making
0108     % the optimizer not isolated anymore.
0109     if Gr.dim() < 512
0110         evs = hessianspectrum(problem, X);
0111         stairs(sort(evs));
0112         title(['Eigenvalues of the Hessian of the cost function ' ...
0113                'at the solution']);
0114         xlabel('Eigenvalue number (sorted)');
0115         ylabel('Value of the eigenvalue');
0116     end
0118 end

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