Home > manopt > core > getGlobalDefaults.m



Returns a structure with default option values for Manopt.


function opts = getGlobalDefaults()


 Returns a structure with default option values for Manopt.

 function opts = getGlobalDefaults()

 Returns a structure opts containing the global default options such as
 verbosity level etc. Typically, global defaults are overwritten by solver
 defaults, which are in turn overwritten by user-specified options.
 See the online Manopt documentation for details on options.

 See also: mergeOptions


This function calls: This function is called by:


0001 function opts = getGlobalDefaults()
0002 % Returns a structure with default option values for Manopt.
0003 %
0004 % function opts = getGlobalDefaults()
0005 %
0006 % Returns a structure opts containing the global default options such as
0007 % verbosity level etc. Typically, global defaults are overwritten by solver
0008 % defaults, which are in turn overwritten by user-specified options.
0009 % See the online Manopt documentation for details on options.
0010 %
0011 % See also: mergeOptions
0013 % This file is part of Manopt: www.manopt.org.
0014 % Original author: Nicolas Boumal, Dec. 30, 2012.
0015 % Contributors:
0016 % Change log:
0017 %
0018 %   Aug. 2, 2018 (NB):
0019 %       Changed default storedepth to 2 from 20, since solvers should now
0020 %       use storedb.erase() to keep the cache lean.
0023     % There should be no reason to modify this file.
0024     % For better compatibility with future Manopt versions,
0025     % use the options structure of solvers.
0026     %
0027     % Really: don't modify it.
0030     % Verbosity level: 0 is no output at all. The higher the verbosity, the
0031     % more info is printed / displayed during solver execution.
0032     opts.verbosity = 3;
0034     % If debug is set to true, additional computations may be performed and
0035     % debugging information is outputed during solver execution.
0036     opts.debug = false;
0038     % Maximum number of store structures to store. If set to 0, caching
0039     % capabilities are not disabled, but the cache will be emptied at each
0040     % iteration of iterative solvers (more specifically: every time the
0041     % solver calls to purge the storedb).
0042     opts.storedepth = 2;
0044     % Maximum amount of time a solver may execute, in seconds.
0045     opts.maxtime = inf;
0047 end

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