< Master index Index for manopt\manifolds\essential >

Index for manopt\manifolds\essential

Matlab files in this directory:

 essential_costE2costCost evaluation at X given function handle in the Essential matrix E.
 essential_egradE2egradConverts the gradient in essential matrix E to the gradient in X.
 essential_ehessE2ehessConverts the Hessian in essential matrix E to the Hessian in X.
 essential_flatReshape a [3x6xk] matrix to a [3x3x2k] matrix
 essential_hat3Compute the matrix representation of the cross product
 essential_sharpReshape a [3x3x2k] matrix to a [3x6xk] matrix
 essentialfactoryManifold structure to optimize over the space of essential matrices.

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