Resources to learn optimization on manifolds
The documentation on this website is meant to help users get to grips with Manopt. Underneath the software, there is a fair amount of math. This page provides some pointers to learn that math.
The following books (both available online for free) can be helpful to learn the relevant mathematics:
An introduction to optimization on smooth manifolds
Nicolas Boumal, Cambridge University Press, 2023.
Optimization algorithms on matrix manifolds
Pierre-Antoine Absil, Robert Mahony and Rodolphe Sepulchre, Princeton University Press, 2008.
A full course
- MATH-512 at EPFL: this is a full set of video lectures, slides and exercises (with hints and solutions).
- edX course: this covers the first six weeks of MATH-512, on the edX platform.
Tutorial videos
One of the SIAM Optimization 2023 minitutorials was about Riemannian optimization.
- It introduce the basics of differential geometry and Riemannian geometry for optimization on smooth manifolds.
- The two lectures of 90 minutes each are available as video 1 and video 2.
- Here are the slides and also the Max-Cut example code.
Earlier (and more condensed) versions of that tutorial are available as:
- A one-hour video (Simons Institute) and
- A two-hour video (ETHZ/EPFL summer school).
Week 5 of MATH-512 includes a lecture about Manopt: the basics and a bit more.
Blogs and blog posts
- The Race to the bottom blog about nonconvex optimization features some Riemannian optimization.
- This blog post gives an informal overview of optimization on manifolds.
Code examples
- See the examples that ship with Manopt.