Helpful tools

Manopt offers a suite of tools to help with studying a problem’s landscape, detecting bugs, speeding up computations, handling geometric objects, keeping track of computational efforts, etc. These are located in the folder /manopt/tools, and documented below.

Checks for the cost function

The cost function \(f\) and its derivatives satisfy certain relationships. By checking these numerically, we can detect possible coding errors. Manopt provides tools to this effect:

  • checkdiff(problem) checks directional derivatives (problem.diff etc.)
  • checkgradient(problem) checks the Riemannian gradient (problem.egrad, problem.grad, problem.costgrad etc.)
  • checkhessian(problem) checks the Riemannian Hessian (problem.ehess, problem.hess etc.)

The theory underlying these checks is explained in Sections 4.8 and 6.8 of this book.

Gradient check

Pick a point \(x\) on the manifold and a tangent vector \(u\) at \(x\). From a truncated Taylor expansion, we know that the following holds with any retraction \(\Retr\): \[ E(t) = \Big| f(\Retr_x(tu)) - \big[ f(x) + t\cdot\D f(x)[u] \big] \Big| = \mathcal{O}(t^2). \] Hence, in a log-log plot with \(\log(t)\) on the abscissa, the error should behave as \(\log(t^2) = 2\log(t)\). That is, we should observe a slope of 2. Calling checkdiff(problem, x, u) produces such a plot and reports the slope of it in a text output. Numerical errors prevent the curve from having a slope of 2 on the whole range even if directional derivatives are correct, so you should really inspect the plot visually. If x and u are omitted, they are picked at random.

The Riemannian gradient is the (only) tangent vector field that satisfies \[ \inner{\grad f(x)}{u}_x = \D f(x)[u] \] for all \(x, u\). Calling checkgradient(problem, x, u) computes \(\grad f(x)\) then does two things:

  1. It runs checkdiff(problem, x, u) with \(\D f(x)[u]\) replaced by \(\inner{\grad f(x)}{u}_x\) in the expression for \(E(t)\): this outputs the slope plot and text.
  2. It checks that the gradient is indeed a tangent vector, by reporting (as text) the norm of the difference between the gradient gradfx and the output of problem.M.tangent(x, gradfx). This should be zero.

If x and u are omitted, they are picked at random.

Hessian check

Going back to \(E(t)\) and including the next term in the Taylor expansion, we know that \[ E(t) = \left| f(\Retr_x(tu)) - \left[ f(x) + t\cdot\D f(x)[u] + \frac{t^2}{2} \cdot \inner{u}{\Hess f(x)[u]}_x \right] \right| = \mathcal{O}(t^3) \] as long as one (or both) of the two conditions holds:

  1. The retraction \(\Retr\) is second order (see remarks below), or
  2. The point \(x\) is a critical point: \(\grad f(x) = 0\).

Hence, in a log-log plot with \(\log(t)\) on the abscissa, the error should behave as \(\log(t^3) = 3\log(t)\), i.e., we should observe a slope of 3. This tool produces such a plot and tries to compute the slope of it. Again, numerical errors prevent the curve to have a slope of 3 everywhere even if the derivatives are correct, so you should inspect the plot visually.

The tool also verifies that the Hessian indeed returns a tangent vector, in the same way that we checked above that the gradient is a tangent vector. This produces a text output.

The Hessian is a linear, symmetric operator from the tangent space at \(x\) to itself. The tool generates two random scalars \(a_1, a_2\) and two random tangent vectors \(u_1\) and \(u_2\) at \(x\) to test linearity: \[ \Big\| a_1 \cdot \Hess f(x)[u_1] + a_2 \cdot \Hess f(x)[u_2] - \Hess f(x)[a_1 u_1 + a_2 u_2] \Big\|_x = 0. \] The quantity on the left-hand side is reported in text output, and should be zero up to machine precision.

To verify symmetry, the tool further computes the difference \[ \inner{\Hess f(x)[u_1]}{u_2}_x - \inner{u_1}{\Hess f(x)[u_2]}_x, \] which should also be zero.

If x and u are omitted, they are picked at random.

A couple of remarks:

  • It is important to check both the slope test and the symmetry test. That is because \(\inner{u}{\Hess f(x)[u]}_x\) only “sees” the symmetric part of \(\Hess f(x)\). If the code for the Hessian has a skew-symmetric part, then the Hessian is wrong, yet the slope test could succeed.
  • The tool checkhessian tries to use the exponential map M.exp by default (since this is a second-order retraction). If that is not available, the default retraction is used. It may be second order: read the help section of your manifold factory to confirm this. If it is not, then the slope test is inconclusive.

Checks for manifolds

  • checkretraction(M, x, v)
    For manifolds M which have a correct exponential map M.exp implemented, this tool produces a slopt-test plot to check the order of agreement of the retraction M.retr with the exponential. A slope of 2 indicates the retraction is a first-order approximation of the exponential (which is necessary for most (all?) convergence theorems to hold.) A slope of 3 indicates the retraction is second-order, which is convenient in some cases. The check is conducted at point x along direction v; they are generated at random if omitted.

  • checkmanifold(M)
    Runs a collection of tests on a manifold structure produced by a factory. The purpose of this tool is ease the process of creating factories for new manifolds. Contributions are welcome to extend it.

  • val = offtangent(M, x, v)
    Checks if v is a tangent vector at x for the manifold M. It is a wrapper for M.offtangent(x, v) with a fallback if M does not offer that functionality. In normal circumstances, the output val is a real number which is machine-precision zero if v is indeed tangent at x. The further away from zero, the less v satisfies the numerical requirements to be tangent. The output is Inf if x, v are not in the proper formats (or if an error occurred). The output is NaN if it was not possible to run the test.

  • val = offmanifold(M, x)
    Checks if x is a point on the manifold M. It is a wrapper for M.offmanifold(x) where we can implement fallbacks some day. The output is interpreted in the same way as for offtangent.

Hessian eigenvalues and eigenvectors

Given a function \(f \colon \calM \to \reals\) and a point \(x \in \calM\), we may want to investigate the spectrum of \(\Hess f(x)\), that is, the Riemannian Hessian at \(x\). With a problem structure to describe \(f\), and x to identify the point \(x\), we can do so in several ways using the following tools:

  • hessianmatrix (then eig),
  • hessianspectrum (internally via eigs),
  • hessianextreme (via optimization).

Via matrix representation

The first way is to obtain a representation of the Hessian as a matrix, then to compute the eigenvalues of that matrix. The one-line vesion goes as follows:

eig(hessianmatrix(problem, x)) % eigenvalues of Hess f(x)

More explicitly: \(\Hess f(x)\) is a symmetric linear map on the tangent space \(\T_x\calM\). If \(b_1, \ldots, b_k \in \T_x\calM\) form an orthonormal basis for the tangent space, then the symmetric matrix \(H \in \reals^{k \times k}\) with \[H_{ij} = \inner{b_i}{\Hess f(x)[b_j]}_x\] represents the Hessian in those coordinates, in the sense that if \(v = a_1 b_1 + \cdots + a_k b_k\), then \(\Hess f(x)[v] = c_1 b_1 + \cdots + c_k b_k\) where \(c = Ha\). In particular, the eigenvalues of \(H\) are the same as the eigenvalues of \(\Hess f(x)\) because \(b_1, \ldots, b_k\) are orthonormal.

If hessianmatrix is called without providing an orthonormal basis, then a basis is generated at random via tangentorthobasis. You can recover that basis too, as follows:

[H, basis] = hessianmatrix(problem, x);

Then, basis is a cell such that basis{1}, basis{2}, ... form an orthonormal basis \(b_1, b_2, \ldots\) for \(\T_x\calM\). This makes it possible to access the eigenvectors of \(\Hess f(x)\) too, like so:

[H, basis] = hessianmatrix(problem, x);
[V, D] = eig(H);
v = lincomb(problem.M, x, basis, V(:, 1)); % eigenvector for eigenvalue D(1, 1)

That code:

  1. generates an orthonormal basis for \(\T_x\calM\) and computes the matrix \(H\) which represents \(\Hess f(x)\) in that basis with hessianmatrix,
  2. determines the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of \(H\) with eig, then
  3. expands the first such eigenvector as a linear combination of the basis vectors with lincomb.

The result is a tangent vector \(v\) at \(x\) which is an eigenvector of \(\Hess f(x)\). You can check this by comparing v with getHessian(problem, x, v).

If you already have an orthonormal basis, you can use that one by calling

H = hessianmatrix(problem, x, basis);

If basis is an orthonormal basis for a subspace of the tangent space, then H is a matrix that represents the restriction of the Hessian to that subspace.

The matrix-way does not scale well

Generating the orthonormal basis takes time. So does applying the Hessian to each basis vector. This is a convenient tool for prototyping and exploration, but expect performance to degrade as dimension increases.

In a matrix-free way

In contrast to the hessianmatrix tool, the hessianspectrum tool provides access to the eigenvalues of the Hessian without building a basis for the tangent vector (and therefore also without constructing a matrix representation of the Hessian). It relies on Matlab’s eigs. An additional advantage is that it also provides access to the spectrum of the preconditioned Hessian (if a preconditioner is included in the problem structure).

To compute the eigenvalues of the Hessian \(\Hess f(x)\) at \(x\) with this tool, call

hessianspectrum(problem, x) % eigenvalues of Hess f(x)

If a preconditioner \(\mathrm{Prec}\) is specified in the problem structure and you call

hessianspectrum(problem, x, 'precon') % eigenvalues of preconditioned Hess f(x)

then the eigenvalues of the preconditioned Hessian \(\Hess f(x) \circ \mathrm{Prec}(x)\) are computed.

This function relies on problem.M.vec and problem.M.mat to pass the computations down to Matlab’s built-in eigs function. For the eigenvalue problem to remain symmetric in the column-vector representation domain, we need M.vec and M.mat to be orthonormal, i.e., isometries (see matvecareisometries in the manifold section). If they are not isometries, computations may take longer.

Indeed, let \(G\) denote the M.vec operator and let \(G^{-1}\) represent the M.mat operator (on the appropriate domains). Let \(H\) and \(P\) denotes the Hessian and preconditioner at \(x\) (with \(P\) being identity if there is none). Then, eigs computes the spectrum of \(GHG^{-1}\) or \(GHPG^{-1}\), which are identical to, respectively, the spectra of \(H\) and \(HP\). This is only symmetric if there is no preconditioner and \(G^\top = G^{-1}\).

If a preconditioner is used, the symmetry of the eigenvalue problem is lost: \(H\) and \(P\) are symmetric, but \(HP\) is not. If M.vec and M.mat are isometries and the dimension of the manifold is large, it may be useful to restore symmetry by giving this tool a function handle for the square root of the preconditioner, \(P^{1/2}\) (optional). Then, eigs is given the problem of computing the spectrum of \(GP^{1/2}HP^{1/2}G^\top\) (symmetric), which is equal to the spectrum of \(HP\). Typically, the square root of the preconditioner is given via problem.sqrtprecon (see cost description).

This tool can be faster than hessianmatrix, but it still aims to compute all eigenvalues. If you only need to compute an eigenvector for the largest or smallest eigenvalue, try hessianextreme as follows:

[u_min, lambda_min] = hessianextreme(problem, x, 'min');
[u_max, lambda_max] = hessianextreme(problem, x, 'max');

These run a Manopt solver on the Rayleigh quotient over the unit sphere in the tangent space \(\T_x\calM\), aiming to compute (respectively) a minimizer and a maximizer. As such, this tool is not guaranteed to succeed, but it always provides an upperbound on the smallest eigenvalue and a lowerbound on the largest eigenvalue of \(\Hess f(x)\). Call help hessianextreme for more options.


  • At this time, hessianspectrum outputs the eigenvalues only. It does not provide access to the eigenvectors, though it could be modified to that effect. It could also be modified to call eigs in a way that targets only extreme eigenvalues.
  • Both hessianspectrum and hessianextreme accept (storedb, key) as optional inputs, to use the caching system.

Finding critical points

When studying the landscape of an optimization problem, we may want to find critical points of \(f\), that is, points where the Riemannian gradient is zero. If problem is the structure that describes your manifold \(\calM\) and cost function \(f\) (with derivatives), call

cp_problem = criticalpointfinder(problem);

to create a new problem structure. This one is on the same manifold \(\calM\), but with the cost function \[ g(x) = \frac{1}{2} \| \grad f(x) \|^2_x. \] The gradient of \(g\) is computed via \(\grad g(x) = \Hess f(x)[\grad f(x)]\). An approximate Hessian can also be generated.

Evidently, the minimizers of \(g\) are the critical points of \(f\). Thus, running a solver such as x = trustregions(cp_problem) could find a critical point of \(f\). This is not guaranteed to work because \(g\) may have non-global local minima. Accordingly, it is best to run the solver many times from various random initial guesses, and to check the gradient norm. For example:

% first define the problem structure, then:
cp_problem = criticalpointfinder(problem);
nrepeats = 100;
points = cell(nrepeats, 1);
gradfnorms = inf(nrepeats, 1);
cp_options.tolgradnorm = 1e-10;
for rep = 1 : nrepeats
    x = trustregions(cp_problem, [], cp_options); % random init
    points{rep} = x;
    gradfnorms(rep) = problem.M.norm(x, getGradient(problem, x));
% Now check which points have a satisfactorily small gradient norm.

Plotting the cost function

  • plotprofile(problem, x, d, t)
    Plots the cost function along a geodesic or a retraction path starting at \(x\), along direction \(d\). All inputs are optional except problem. See help plotprofile for more information.

  • surfprofile(problem, x, d1, d2, t1, t2)
    Plots the cost function, lifted and restricted to a 2-dimensional subspace of the tangent space at \(x\). All inputs are optional except problem. See help surfprofile for more information.

Matrix computations

Manopt includes tools to facilitate certain matrix computations as listed in the first table below. They provide help to:

  • differentiate matrix functions,
  • solve matrix equations, and
  • compute factorizations.
Tools for matrix computations that sometimes come up when using Manopt.
Call Description
dfunm, dlogm, dexpm, dsqrtm Fréchet derivatives of the (built-in) matrix functions, and their particularization to logm, expm and sqrtm. For example, the call [A, B] = dexpm(X, Xdot) outputs both \(A = \D\mathrm{exp}(X)[\dot X]\) and \(B = \mathrm{exp}(X)\).
lyapunov_symmetric Tool to solve the Lyapunov matrix equation \(AX + XA = C\) when \(A = A^*\) (real symmetric or Hermitian). Can solve for more than one right-hand side at a time.
lyapunov_symmetric_eig Same as lyapunov_symmetric but the user supplies the eigenvalue decomposition of \(A\) instead of \(A\). This is more efficient if several systems with the same \(A\) need to be solved, but the various right-hand sides are not all known at the same time.
sylvester_nochecks Solves the Sylvester equation \(AX + XB = C\), where \(A\) is an m-by-m matrix, \(B\) is an n-by-n matrix, and \(X\) and \(C\) are two m-by-n matrices. This is a stripped-down version of Matlab’s own sylvester function that bypasses any input checks. This is significantly faster for small m and n, which is often useful in Manopt.
qr_unique Given \(A\) with full columns rank, Q = qr_unique(A) computes \(Q\) of the same size as \(A\) such that \(A = QR\), \(Q\) has orthonormal columns and \(R\) is upper triangular with positive diagonal entries. This fully specifies \(Q\). (Matlab’s [Q, ~] = qr(A, 0) does not enforce positive diagonal entries of \(R\) by default, losing the uniqueness property). This Q-factor is exactly what one would compute through Gram–Schmidt orthonormalization of the columns of \(A\), but it is computed differently. Works with 3D arrays (on each slice separately) and with both real and complex matrices.

Moreover, it is often useful to apply the same operations to many matrices. For best performance, it is important to vectorize such computations (in order to exploit SIMD features of processors). The table below list tools Manopt provides to do just that:

Tools to apply the same computations to many matrices without for-loop. This improves performance significantly.
Call Description
B = multiscale(scale, A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxmxN and a vector scale of length N, outputs B: a 3D matrix of the same size as A such that B(:, :, k) = scale(k) * A(:, :, k) for each k.
tr = multitrace(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxnxN, outputs a column vector tr of length N such that tr(k) = trace(A(:, :, k)) for each k.
sq = multisqnorm(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxmxN, outputs a column vector sq of length N such that sq(k) = norm(A(:, :, k), 'fro')^2 for each k.
B = multitransp(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxmxN, outputs B, a 3D matrix of size mxnxN such that B(:, :, k) = A(:, :, k).' for each k (transpose).
B = multihconj(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxmxN, outputs B, a 3D matrix of size mxnxN such that B(:, :, k) = A(:, :, k)' for each k (conjugate transpose).
C = multiprod(A, B) For 3D matrices A of size nxpxN and B of size pxmxN, outputs C, a 3D matrix of size nxmxN such that C(:, :, k) = A(:, :, k) * B(:, :, k) for each k.
B = multiskew(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxnxN, outputs a 3D matrix B the same size as A such that each slice B(:, :, i) is the skew-symmetric part of the slice A(:, :, i), that is, (A(:, :, i)-A(:, :, i).')/2.
B = multiskewh(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxnxN, outputs a 3D matrix B the same size as A such that each slice B(:, :, i) is the Hermitian skew-symmetric part of the slice A(:, :, i), that is, (A(:, :, i)-A(:, :, i)')/2.
B = multisym(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxnxN, outputs a 3D matrix B the same size as A such that each slice B(:, :, i) is the symmetric part of the slice A(:, :, i), that is, (A(:, :, i)+A(:, :, i).')/2.
B = multiherm(A) For a 3D matrix A of size nxnxN, outputs a 3D matrix B the same size as A such that each slice B(:, :, i) is the Hermitian part of the slice A(:, :, i), that is, (A(:, :, i)+A(:, :, i)')/2.

Counters (to track computations)

Manopt counters provide a way to track all sorts of metrics, including function calls, time spent in specific parts of them, particular operations, etc. They are accessed via two tools:

  • S = statscounters(names) is used to register Manopt counters in options.statsfun via statsfunhelper.
  • incrementcounter(store, countername, increment) increments a counter in a store or storedb.

A basic usage would go as follows. See the cost description page, especially the section about caching, for more information about how store and prepare are used here.

function foo()

    n = 100;
    A = randsym(n);

    problem.M = spherefactory(size(A, 1));

    problem.cost = @cost;
    problem.egrad = @egrad;
    problem.ehess = @ehess;

    % List the names of counters we want the optimization algorithm to log.
    % The fields in the structure metrics are function handles: one for each
    % counter.
    % Before passing metrics to statsfunhelper, we could add more fields to
    % metrics to log other things as well: see the note below the code.
    % Names of the counters (here, Aproducts and some_other_counter) are
    % for us to choose: they only need to be valid structure field names.
    % They need not have been defined in advance.
    metrics = statscounters({'Aproducts', 'some_other_counter'});
    options.statsfun = statsfunhelper(metrics);

    [x, fx, info] = trustregions(problem, [], options);

    semilogy([info.Aproducts], [info.gradnorm], '.-');
    xlabel('Number of matrix-vector products with A');
    ylabel('Riemannian gradient norm');

    % Below, we have the code for the cost function and its derivatives.
    % Everytime we use a matrix-vector product with A, we increment the
    % counter.

    function store = prepare(x, store)
        if ~isfield(store, 'Ax')
            store.Ax = A*x;
            store = incrementcounter(store, 'Aproducts');
    function [f, store] = cost(x, store)
        store = prepare(x, store);
        Ax = store.Ax;
        f = .5*x'*Ax;
    function [g, store] = egrad(x, store)
        store = prepare(x, store);
        g = store.Ax;
    function [h, store] = ehess(x, u, store)
        h = A*u;
        store = incrementcounter(store, 'Aproducts');


By default, incrementcounter increments by 1. You may also specify the increment as the last input (it can be any double value, not necessarily integer or positive).

See the full working example in the /examples folder to see how to:

  • register more than one counter,
  • use counters in a stopping criterion,
  • run several solvers on the same problem and compare the metrics tracked by counters.

Counter names (such as 'Aproducts' in the example) must be valid names for structure fields. Essentially, this means they should be valid variable names (no spaces, do not start with a digit, etc.)

Using counters together with other things in statsfun.

Counters can be used together with any other tracking function you might have liked to put in statsfun. In the example above, we would simply add some fields to metrics after calling statscounters and before passing it to statsfunhelper:

metrics = statscounters({'Aproducts', 'some_other_counter'});
metrics.current_point = @(x) x; % also log the iterate at each iteration
options.statsfun = statsfunhelper(metrics);
% After running a solver, the info struct-array has the counters and current_point.

Working with tangent vectors

The following tools ease certain tasks involving tangent spaces and tangent vectors.

  • vec = lincomb(M, x, vectors, coeffs)
    Given a cell vectors of \(n\) tangent vectors to the manifold M at x and a vector coeffs of \(n\) real coefficients, outputs the linear combination of the given vectors with the given coefficients. The empty linear combination is the zero vector at x.

  • coeffs = tangent2vec(M, x, basis, u)
    Given a tangent vector u at x and an orthonormal basis basis for the corresponding tangent space, outputs the coordinates coeffs of u in that basis. The inverse operation is u = lincomb(M, x, basis, coeffs), see above.

  • G = grammatrix(M, x, vectors)
    Given \(n\) tangent vectors \(v_1, \ldots, v_n\) to the manifold M at point x in a cell vectors, outputs a symmetric, positive semidefinite matrix G of size \(n\times n\) such that \(G_{ij} = \inner{v_i}{v_j}_x\).

  • [orthobasis, L] = orthogonalize(M, x, basis)
    Given a cell basis which contains linearly independent tangent vectors to the manifold M at x, outputs an orthonormal basis of the subspace spanned by the given basis. L is an upper triangular matrix containing the coefficients of the linear combinations needed to transform basis into orthobasis. This is essentially a QR factorization, via modified Gram–Schmidt.

  • [orthobasis, L] = orthogonalizetwice(M, x, basis)
    Same as orthogonalize, but calls it twice in sequence for (much) improved numerical stability (at twice the computational cost).

  • obasis = tangentorthobasis(M, x, n)
    Given a point x on the manifold M, generates n unit-norm, pairwise orthogonal vectors in the tangent space to M at x, in a cell. See help tangentorthobasis for more advanced call patterns.

  • [u_norm, coeffs, u] = smallestinconvexhull(M, x, U)
    Computes u, a tangent vector to M at x contained in the convex hull spanned by the \(n\) vectors in the cell U, with minimal norm (according to the Riemannian metric on M). This is obtained by solving a convex quadratic program involving the Gram matrix of the given tangent vectors. The quadratic program is solved using Matlab’s built-in quadprog, which requires the Optimization Toolbox.

  • [A, B1, B2] = operator2matrix(M1, x, y, F, B1, B2, M2)
    Given manifold structures M1 and M2, two points x and y on these manifolds, and a function F encoding a linear operator from the tangent space \(\T_x \calM_1\) to the tangent space \(\T_y \calM_2\), this tool uses two orthonormal bases B1 and B2 (one for \(\T_x \calM_1\), and one for \(\T_y \calM_2\); generated at random if omitted), and forms the matrix A which represents the operator F in those bases. In particular, the singular values of A are equal to the singular values of F. If M2 is omitted, then M2 = M1. See the code for more use cases.

Interactive stopping criteria

An interactive stopping criterion allows the user to stop the execution of a Manopt solver in real time. When it is triggered, the solver gracefully terminates and outputs the best iterate it produced so far. Matlab then proceeds to keep running the code that follows the call to the solver, so that the work done until that point is not lost.

One such tool open a special figure once the solver starts running. The solver terminates if the figure is closed.

options.stopfun = @stopifclosedfigure; % add this option
trustregions(problem, x0, options);    % run this or any other solver

Another such tool (better suited if you are running Matlab without graphical user interface, e.g., over SSH) creates a special file. The solver terminates if that file is deleted.

options.stopfun = stopifdeletedfile(); % add this option
trustregions(problem, x0, options);    % run this or any other solver

By default, the file is called MANOPT_DELETE_ME_TO_STOP_SOLVER. You may also specify another file name as optional input to stopifdeletedfile.

Note that termination may not be immediate as the solver has to finish the current iteration first. In particular, certain solvers (including trustregions) check stopping criteria only at outer iterations, not during inner iterations, further increasing the delay.

Utilities for solvers

  • statsfunhelper
    Helper function to place a function handle in the field options.statsfun, with the purpose of recording or displaying information about individual iterations. See this page for documentation. Also consider using statscounters and incrementcounter as documented on this page.

  • manoptsolve
    This tool presents itself as a solver, with their usual calling pattern:

    [x, cost, info, options] = manoptsolve(problem, x0, options);

    It is a gateway function to call an actual Manopt solver. You may specify which one to call by setting options.solver to a function handle corresponding to a solver. For example,

    options.solver = @trustregions;

    If not, a solver is picked automatically. This is mainly useful when programming meta algorithms which need to solve a Manopt problem, but one wants to leave the decision of which solver to use up to the final user (therefore making it an option).

Creating manifolds

  • productmanifold and powermanifold
    These tools generate a structure that represents a product of manifolds. See this page for documentation.

  • N = tangentspacefactory(M, x)
    Given a manifold structure M and a point x on that manifold, outputs a manifold structure N representing the tangent space to M at x. This is used in preconhessiansolve.

  • N = tangentspherefactory(M, x)
    Given a manifold structure M and a point x on that manifold, outputs a manifold structure N representing the unit sphere on the tangent space to M at x. This is used by the hessianextreme tool.

Lifts, parameterizations, change of variable

See the page about lifts for documentation of the tool manoptlift.

Automatic differentiation

See the page about how to describe the cost function for documentation of the tool manoptAD.


  • y = sinxoverx(x)
    Computes \(y = \sin(x)/x\), with the convention \(\sin(0)/0 = 1\).

  • s = getsize(x)
    Estimates the memory usage of the input variable.